Sitting in this sunny warm Sunday afternoon, we've just looked at the weather for the next 2 weeks and it's forecast to rain Every Day of the walk, with SNOW in Fort William! Basically miserable.. however, mid-range forecasts are usually wrong so here's hoping. A good reminder of warm gear and waterproofs but rather deflating
We did our last preparitory walk yesterday; 15.8 miles but with little ascent at 800ft; for those that know the area, home to The Cage at Lyme Park and back. It was very warm and showed that hot feet suffer more as mine are a little sore this morning. Anyway, 4 days to the walk so need to start getting things together.
Next blog will hopefully be from Milngavie having completed our journey up.
PS: We actually had fantastic weather for all 8 days and neede sun cream on sevreral. Total daytime rain 20min on day 1. So much for mid-range waether forecasting!